Graeme Hankey is Perron Institute Chair in Stroke Research at The University of Western Australia and the Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science, Perth, Australia. He has led large international clinical trials including the VITATOPS and AFFINITY trials, and is now co-leading the SEANCON phase 2 trial of the cerebroprotectant ARG-007 in acute ischaemic stroke and the Librexia Stroke phase 3 trial of milvexian for secondary stroke prevention. He is the Data Safety Monitoring Board chair of 3, and member of 6, ongoing clinical trials. He is an Associate Editor of Circulation, Editorial Consultant for The Lancet Neurology and JACC Advances, Section co-Editor for the Epidemiology, Outcomes, & Population Science section of Stroke, editorial board member of Neuro-epidemiology and a senior editor of Cerebrovascular Diseases. He is a Web of Science Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher for 2017-2019, having authored or co-authored 13 books and >1070 publications, which have yielded > 162,000 citations (h-index 150). He has delivered > 595 invited lectures at international (n=355), national (n=133), and local (n=107) scientific meetings. He was awarded the 2015 American Stroke Association David G. Sherman Award for outstanding lifetime contributions in the field of stroke. https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/persons/graeme-hankey