The Centre for Research Excellence to Accelerate Stroke Trial Innovation and Translation (Stroke Trials CRE) is a national, multi-disciplinary, collaborative network.
The CRE will bring together current societies, organisations and networks, as well as consumers and their families, in a collaborative platform designed to strengthen stroke research.
The Stroke Trials CRE is uniquely positioned to bring together clinicians, consumer groups and representatives, policy makers, professional associations and funders in order to accelerate and advance stroke medicine in Australia.
We will do this by conducting new generation clinical trials that are co-designed with consumers and researchers to deliver better healthcare for those with stroke.
Funded by the NHMRC and University of Sydney for 5 years, we intend to influence policy makers, change stroke medicine and build a new generation of clinician researchers to increase future stroke research capacity.
The Stroke Trials CRE is located at the University of Sydney’s Westmead Applied Research Centre and is led by Professor Richard Lindley with Chief Investigators based at numerous universities and institutes Australia-wide.
Lead investigator, Professor Richard Lindley introduces the Stroke Trials CRE. Click below to view Prof Lindley’s introduction to the CRE and its workstreams.

What is Stroke?
Stroke is a serious medical problem affecting tens of thousands of Australians each year.