Help rank the top research priorities for stroke in Australia

Would you like to influence stroke research? Stroke Foundation is working on a project to identify research priorities that matter to survivors of stroke, families, carers, and health professionals.

Project Overview:
Stroke Foundation, working with the Centre of Research Excellence to Accelerate Stroke Trial Innovation and Translation (Stroke Trials CRE) aims to align research with the needs of those affected by stroke. We are doing this to:

  • Guide Stroke Foundation’s work
  • Address community-identified priorities through our Research Program
  • Set national research priorities for stroke – this will help researchers argue for funding to do the research most important to you.

How You Can Help:
We are looking for volunteers to participate. There are two (2) phases to this research:

  1. Rank research priorities in an online survey
  • The survey will include a shortlist of research topics under 3 areas of stroke care; “Prevention”, “Early Treatment” and “Rehabilitation and Life After Stroke”.
  • You’ll be asked to rank these in order of importance.
  • The survey can be completed online, or if you prefer, we can post you a copy of the survey with a reply paid envelope.
  • Our team are available for any questions and to help with completing the survey.

Find out more and access the survey

  1. Workshop phase
  • At the end of the survey, you can decide if you’d like to be invited to participate in a facilitated workshop. The workshop will be an interaction session that aims to get agreement on the priority research topics.

Your Contribution Matters:
Your input will contribute to shaping research efforts in stroke care, rehabilitation and life after stroke. Together, we can improve outcomes for survivors of stroke in Australia and worldwide.

If you have questions:

  • Read information for participants at the survey link

Thank you for making a difference in stroke research. Your voice counts!