EmpowerMe website trial for stroke survivors

Flinders University with a lived experience working group have co-designed a website to help improve health self-efficacy (feeling confidence in your abilities) after stroke. Survivors of stroke are invited to take part in one online “take charge” session (60 minutes) to discuss what matters most to them. After this session, they will have access to the co-designed website for 4 weeks. They will measure self-efficacy, health related quality of life and participation before and after the 4 weeks. They want to test the website on different groups of survivors to see who the solution looks likely to help. This will guide future research.
Register your interest here or please contact Katie Nesbitt on the email address in the below flyer.

IMPROVE YOUR CONFIDENCE AND SELF-BELIEF? We are looking for survivors of stroke to help test a website that has been designed to help people feel confident in their ability to achieve the things that are
important to them.
What would this involve?
If you agree to participate in the research, you will be asked • Complete one online session to hear about your life after stroke since leaving the hospital. The purpose of which is to think about the future, and how the website can help with this. We will look at the book Taking Charge After
Stroke, this will guide our discussion (this should take 30-
60 mins) • Complete 4 questionnaires at the start, then at 4-weeks
and again at 12 weeks (20-30 minutes) • Use the website as much or as little as you would like for
four weeks • Participate in an interview (~30 minutes) about your
• All sessions will be conducted by Zoom and recorded • You will access the website from your personal device
and internet connection
• Participation is entirely voluntary
Register your interest here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=u30Vcr3o3ECNAD8IwjSsRxai03YcjRlOukZeAoufI_JUNFJUUFFKVjk1NDhGQ1RFNTlSWFFMMDFGUS4u&origin=QRCode&qrcodeorigin=presentation&route=shorturl
Or please contact katie.nesbitt@flinders.edu.au