Category: News & Events

  • Second Project Grant Cycle and Call for Trial ready Centres

    We are excited to announce our second round of project seed grants and expression of interests for trial-ready centres! The seed grant funding scheme aims to support new innovative stroke trial research across Australia (maximum funding request $50,000) to be awarded to researchers based in Australia. The grant funding term is 18 months. There is…

  • Working Well Together Workshop

    Working Well Together Workshop

    The Stroke Trials CRE Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) delivered their workshop, “Working Well Together.” The workshop was delivered online by LEAG members and early career researchers, chaired by Dr. Matthew Berryman (lived experience expert and researcher). Presenters Letisha Living, Thomas Beltrame, Kim and Emma Beesley, and Dina Pogrebnoy shared their experiences of working on…

  • Working Well Together Workshop

    Working Well Together Workshop

    ‘Working well together’ is a free online workshop from the Stroke Trials CRE Lived Experience Advisory Group, supporting researchers and people with lived experience to collaborate in research. You’ll hear from early career researchers and people with lived experience of stroke sharing their experiences working together and the things that we can do to make…